Antivirus Apps Offer Extra Security Features

A lot of antivirus apps include additional features to increase your smartphone’s safety. Some of these features include a password manager that protects your login details, VPN functionality for enhanced privacy and security and tools to help find or remotely wipe out stolen smartphones.

The majority of antivirus providers scan your phone regularly to find evidence of malware that might have infected your device. Typically, they’ll conduct these checks according to a schedule that you can decide to set and will notify you in the event of any security issues being discovered. They also will determine if you are connected to a network that is not secure that could expose your personal data to hackers.

Certain antiviruses might have additional features, like anti-theft protection or a phone blocker, based on the service provider. Kaspersky is one example. It offers a feature that will take three photos of the person trying to access your device. It also permits you to wipe or lock it remotely. Other providers have system tune-up tools that can clean up junk files and accelerate your device, and some even have an app that can alert you to unsafe applications or settings.

You can gauge how well your phone is secured by analyzing the ranking of independent testing laboratories. Some of these rankings are based on the number of threats detected, whereas others are based on how quickly and efficiently the service can identify and eliminate threats. Additionally, some companies go the extra mile by providing features like a money-back assurance and support for customers that is available 24/7.
